Good Afternoon Highland Terrace,
This is a digital copy of our physical newsletter we already had planned for 500 newsletters to be printed and delivered by our wonderful block captains. Several were worried about the shelter in place order required by the city and did not feel it was a safe time to deliver. We will plan to print another physical newsletter as soon as it is safe. A BIG THANK YOU to all who helped contribute to this newsletter. - Your HTNA Board
Hi Neighbors, Due to all the challenges of COVID-19/Corona Virus we were unable to deliver these newsletters which was intended to be abig part of our March Membership Drive. Please help us by getting this to as many friedns and neighbors as possible. You are welcome to forward this email to anyone or print and give to a neighbor by social distancing of course and only if you are not sick your self. The newsletter is below you can click and image to make it larger or download the actual PDF by clicking the button below.
Even more fun during our quarantine and our shelter in place orders. Here is a Spotify playlist created to enjoy and safe for the whole family! We hope you enjoy #Stayhome Radio. If you have a laptop you can enjoy less adds and skip unlimited songs. Otherwise you can listen on the phone app in shuffle mode with limited skips. Let us know what you think of the playlist!
HTNA Board wanted to share this information with our neighborhood and community. Also as of now all future HTNA events are postponed until further notice. Please reach out to us via our website: if you need any help during this time we are here for you.
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