Quarantine News!! 😜

Richardson, Texas | May 2020 | Vol. 5 No. 34
We have a Goal of 300 households this year! The only way we can achieve this goal is with your help! Our March Membership drive was going to end with our Easter Egg Hunt and Spring Carnival and we know many of you normally join at our events.  The graph below shows where we are currently at in our goal of 300 households this year.  Would you consider supporting your neighborhood for only $15 and help us reach our goal?! 
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1 Week Left!

Highland Terrace, we have done awesome so far we have raised about 15% of our goal for the sign toppers.  We have put the deadline for April 30th for our first round of sign toppers.  You can donate any amount you would like and we will still let you choose your location but it does cost $108 per corner for each sign topper.  After the deadline, if we do not know the location we will be reaching out to you for your recommended street corner.  Thank you to ALL who have already donated.  
Donate Now!
A Note from the President,

I know we are all ready to get back to normal, I know I sure am.  I have made a fun little maze and scavenger hunt attached for the kids to give them something to do for fun! I hope even the adults enjoy it as well! 

We have loved seeing some many people outside lately make sure you check out the picture gallery as well. Keep sending us pictures to post to our social media channels at communication@htna.org 
Lastly,  see all the updates about coronavirus updates for the city of Richardson, and the Trash and Recycling pick up schedule is back to normal! 

- Clinton Ball
    President HTNA

Richardson officials recently reviewed new state executive orders that allow retail businesses to begin operating again – under certain restrictions – starting April 24.

The rules include retailers that the state previously deemed were not "essential services.”

A presentation during Monday’s city council meeting listed the requirements as follows:

Retail to go

  • Employees should deliver purchased items to the backseat or trunk of the customer’s vehicle whenever possible to minimize physical contact.
  • Employees must wash or sanitize their hands after each interaction with a customer, and whenever possible, must disinfect any item that came into contact with the customer.

Retail delivery to customer’s doorstep

  • Employees or third-party carriers must deliver purchased items to the customer’s doorstep and may not enter the house or business.

Retail delivery by mail

  • Purchased items should be delivered by mail without customer contact.
  • Customers should wash or sanitize their hands after the transaction.
  • All payments must be done over the phone or internet.

Requirements for employees

  • Employees must be trained on environmental cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
  • All employees must be screened before coming into the business for new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, feeling feverish, a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, or known close contact with a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19.
  • Any employee who meets any of these criteria should be sent home.
  • Upon entering the business, employees must wash or sanitize hands.
  • All employees must wear face coverings.
  • Employees must maintain at least 6 feet separation from one another.
-Source Dallas Morning News

Trash, recycling resume normal services April 27

Residential recycling service and twice-weekly trash pickup will resume effective Monday, April 27. The services had been operating on a modified schedule since April 9 due to staffing shortages created by COVID-19. Full staffing levels have returned, enabling normal collections to resume.

While recycling services were suspended, residents were still able to drop off their recyclables at two locations. The recycle bin at the Westside Pump Station, 101 N. Cottonwood Dr., will remain in place and continue to be open daily from 7 a.m.-9 p.m.  The recycle drop off bins that have been in place at the Service Center and Columbia Dr. will no longer be in service as of Monday.

Our HTNA Quarantine Picture Album
Happy Birthday Tanner! HTNA knows you will never forget this birthday and wish you the best!
A huge thank you to Roy and Mareta Glover for taking pictures of the neighborhood during their crime watch patrols!
You can click the picture to take you to their website.  These ads were purchased but these companies and HTNA does not endorse any of these parties.  
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Only $5! Perfect to advertise your "side hustle" or Etsy shop!
Email us: webmaster@htna.org
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If you have any questions regarding membership or dues, please contact Lauren at membership@htna.org
HTNA Board wanted to share this information with our neighborhood and community.  Also as of now all future HTNA events are postponed until further notice.  Please reach out to us via our website: www.htna.org/contact if you need any help during this time we are here for you. 

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