“If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.”

Richardson, Texas | November 2020 | Vol. 5 No. 41


Quote in title header is by W. Clement Stone.

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A Letter from the President:

Halloween this year was a great success! I felt like more families participated this year. We saw many neat ways to hand out candy to the kiddos and it seemed more neighbors just left a basket on the porch! THANK YOU Highland Terrace for making this Halloween special for the kids this crazy year! Don't forget to see the Halloween pictures from around the neighborhood at the end of this newsletter.

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Latest featured on our Instagram page!


First, if you missed our phone background giveaway on our Instagram page you should follow us so you do not miss out next time. You can download them here by clicking the buttons below:

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Second, I would like to thank John Leibold for sharing the following information with the neighborhood:
"We now have a bench at John Fish Park, the corner of Frances Way, and Crystal Ct. many thanks go out to the City of Richardson Parks Department for their efforts in providing this for our neighbors. "

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Third, is a coloring sheet I wanted to provide for everyone to enjoy and take a break from all the stress! Just click the picture below to save or print.

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Fourth, I would also like to mention that after Thanksgiving we will begin our annual Neighborhood Christmas Light Contest!

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Lastly, the HTNA Board would like to warmly wish each family a Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you use this time to recharge and spend time with family. A huge thank you to each family in the neighborhood that makes this a special time during the holiday season! Each of you make this neighborhood special!

If you need anything please do not hesitate to reach out to us.  Please send me an email below if there is a story you would like us to highlight in our next newsletter.  Please have a happy and safe Halloween season!


Clinton Ball
-President HTNA

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I am coming to you today with an urgent request. For the past 7 months, Network has relied heavily on the Get Shift Done initiative formed in the wake of COVID-19 that connects the unemployed service industry workers with local non-profits to serve and provide hunger relief to communities. Each day, we have had an average of 9 workers per shift to help us manage the increased demand in our Food Pantry. 

 We have just learned the funding for Get Shift Done is no longer available and after November 15, we will no longer have access to these workers.

Prior to COVID, we were serving over 150 families per week in our Food Pantry. That number has grown to 700 per week. Without the help of the Get Shift Done workers, we will not be able to continue to maintain this service level unless we can get enough volunteers to fill the gap. 

                                    Click here to watch a video message about our need!

Whether you are working from home, are retired or have a student who needs volunteer hours, we need you! Students 16 and up can sign up to volunteer in our Food Pantry and Clothing Closet.

Safety protocols are in place with temperature checks and mask and glove requirements. We are also putting limits on the number of volunteers that can be working at once to better manage our work areas.

Please consider signing up for a shift today at thenetwork.org/get-involved

Volunteers are needed Monday-Thursday from 7:30 am to 4 pm, Friday 10 am to Noon and Saturday from 8:30 am to 2 pm.

                                                            Sign Up to Volunteer!

The need for our Food Pantry is increasing not decreasing, and we just can’t continue to meet this demand if we don’t have enough volunteers.

 As always, thank you for your support to help our neighbors in need.


Cindy Shafer

President & Chief Executive Officer


Please click here or on the image above to learn more on how you can help Network during the holiday seasons.

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Congratulations to the Macias Family

@ 552 Summit Dr please remember to drive by slowly to check out their yard!

If you have a house you would like to nominate, please contact our Beautification Chair, Yasmin!

Here are this month’s Bruce Miller Gardening Tips click the button below to continue reading. 



This is a reminder that we are currently taking applications for the Richardson Citizen Police Academy. Spacing is very limited and fills up quickly. Please submit your application if you would like to be considered for the class.

Here is more information about it


Thank you and be safe,

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Here is a break down of our crime stats for the city of Richardson-

  • Car Thefts- 2019/245 Total, 2020/250 as of Nov 6th

  • Car Burglary- 2019/871 Total, 2020/739 as of Nov 6th

  • Home Burglary- 2019/129 Total, 2020/ 75 as of Nov 6th

  • Firearms stolen from Cars-

    • 42- Total

    • 7- From Businesses

    • 35- From Residences

    • 5- Force needed


 We hope you and your family have a safe and wonderful holiday season.

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Richardson Police Non-Emergency
# 972-744-4801

There have been many complaints in the neighborhood about speeding cars and Large 18-wheeler trucks driving through the neighborhood. We have created a 4 step approach to help our neighborhood and the Police Department better enforce this no truck policy though our neighborhood streets. The HTNA Board and a few neighbors are currently in discussions with the city and the chief of police to help better correct these issues.

1. Get the name of the truck or vehicle type to report.

2. If possible, safely get the license plate of the truck or vehicle speeding. (Even if you are not able to get these first two items, please call and report the speeding vehicles or the truck infraction as the police department does keep a record of all calls.)

3. IMMEDIATELY call the Richardson Police Non-Emergency # 972-744-4801 so the time will be noted on their records in an effort to establish a pattern as to the time of day these things are happening.

4. Call every time!

Also, for those who live on Summit, we need to report the loud drag racing that occurs on Centennial each evening. If everyone will help by following these 4 easy steps every time we will be able to keep our neighborhood the quiet streets we all desire.

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You can see all of our pictures in our Gallery.

A huge thank you to Roy and Mareta Glover for taking pictures of the neighborhood during their crime watch patrols!


You can click the picture to take you to their website.  These ads were purchased but these companies and HTNA does not endorse any of these parties.  


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If you'd like to become a member or join the association you can visit us at this link:

If you have any questions regarding membership or dues, please contact Lauren at membership@htna.org

HTNA Board wanted to share this information with our neighborhood and community.  Also as of now all future HTNA events are postponed until further notice.  Please reach out to us via our website: www.htna.org/contact if you need any help during this time we are here for you. 

Stay Informed with our most recent Information by Following us:

Copyright © Highland Terrace Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved.

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