Graduation Edition 🎓

Richardson, Texas | June 2020 | Vol. 5 No. 36
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A Note from the President,

We are so proud of our neighborhood accomplishments! I am proud to share each story below.  If you did not get your graduate information to me in time, you can send it to me for the next newsletter at
Congratulations to all graduates.  I could not say the proper words for these tough times therefore  I am honored to have Vanessa Pacheco continue with a message to the graduates.  Without further ado, I will let her words say the rest.

- Clinton Ball
    President HTNA

Dear Class of 2020, 

As a mom of a senior, who has experienced the same disappointments and loss of events that would have commemorated the completion of your high school careers, I am immensely proud of all of you. 

I do not know what paths each of you will take: work, local college, going away to a university or the military, taking time off, etc. Whatever your choice – you have grown emotionally and persevered a challenge none of us have ever faced and this growth will remain with you on your journeys.  Each of you have taken on this situation with grace and purpose.  This experience has uniquely shaped you into someone that can find solutions for any future challenge that arises.  I am confident that each of you graduates of 2020 will grow to be some of the best influencers and leaders of our time.  So many have already delivered on technological solutions to help connect families and groups, created community platforms to engage and help those in need, recorded fun tik-toks for each other, and even had parents join in. 

Graduates, you persevered and completed the school year, online, without your friends, teachers, and activities.  There is nothing I can do or say to bring any of that back.  However, I and many families, teachers, and staff have decorated, provided parades, and celebrate all of you.  I will continue to celebrate your accomplishments until each and every one of you walks a stage â€“ virtually or in a small group.  Class of 2020, you have shown great spirit and strength. Use this experience to enhance your drive to fulfill your goals and dreams. Use your enthusiasm to take on life with positivity and passion.  Use the wisdom gained by this experience to make a better world for present and future generations.  Show us how it’s done and take on the world! 

With Love,  

Vanessa Pacheco, Sofia’s mom 


Luis Hernandez graduating from Berkner High School he ships out to the Navy as a Master at Arms in August. His parents are Nydia Lopez and Pompeyo Hernandez.
We have gained several new members since the last newsletter and several general budget donations! HTNA Board would like to thank those that have donated above and beyond and we are now at 22% of our yearly Goal! I know it has been an unusual year, but if you have not yet joined the association it is only $15 per household.  Please consider joining. 
Renew Today!
Donate Here
First Presbyterian Church Of Richardson will continue having a Drive-Thru Food Drives for the Network of Community Ministries on June 11, July 2, and July 23. Each food drive will be from 9:30-11:30 am. 

If folks would like to participate, they can put donations in the trunks of their cars before leaving home. They can pull up to the church and pop the trunk. Volunteers will remove the donations from their trunks and we'll transport them to Network.
Congratulations to Nancy Goehl of 424 Frances Way! 
Here are the June Gardening Tips click the button below to continue reading. 
June Gardening Tips
Coupon to Bruce Miller Nurseries click below. 
-Thanks, Yasmin Beautification Chair
Bruce Miller Coupon
Our HTNA Picture Album
A huge thank you to Roy and Mareta Glover for taking pictures of the neighborhood during their crime watch patrols!
You can click the picture to take you to their website.  These ads were purchased but these companies and HTNA does not endorse any of these parties.  
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Only $5! Perfect to advertise your "side hustle" or Etsy shop!
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If you have any questions regarding membership or dues, please contact Lauren at
HTNA Board wanted to share this information with our neighborhood and community.  Also as of now all future HTNA events are postponed until further notice.  Please reach out to us via our website: if you need any help during this time we are here for you. 

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