City Of Richardson City Council Meeting COVID June 14

COVID-19 STATUS REPORT – Don Magner, Deputy City Manager

• On June 3, Governor Abbott issued Executive Order GA:26. The order does not supersede previous Executive Orders.

• The Order states that every business in Texas may operate at up to 50% of the total listed occupancy of the establishment.

• The City of Richardson is currently functioning in the following ways: o City Hall is open; however, all customer interactions are being directed to the Grand Hall of City Hall to the Customer Service Center so that there are fewer interactions between customers and employees.

o The Library is open Monday – Saturday from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM and Sunday from 2:00 – 5:30 PM. Library service is limited to Richardson residents who must bring proof of residency. § The first-floor services are limited to displays, media, and service areas for children and teens.

§ The second-floor services are limited to browsing the stacks and using personal electronics connected to the internet.

§ Five public computers will become available to the public on June 22.

§ The third-floor is open for browsing; however, some of the furniture has been removed to ensure proper social distancing.

§ Curbside checkout service is still available Monday – Thursday from 2:30 – 6:30 PM and Friday – Saturday from 2:30 – 5:30 PM. Curbside pickup is not limited to Richardson residents.

o Heights and Huffhines Recreation Centers are now at 50% capacity while still requiring appropriate social distancing. § The primary increases in occupancy will be seen in the number of people in the gymnasiums.

§ The number of pieces of workout equipment will not increase because the machines must remain 6 feet apart.

§ Patrons may workout for 50 minutes and are recommended to wear gloves. They must sanitize equipment after use.

§ The gym may be used for single-file walking, pickleball, and badminton.

§ Lockers and showers will reopen on June 17, 2020.


o The neighborhood public pools, including Canyon Creek, Glenville, Terrace, and Cottonwood pools will open on July 1 at 50% capacity. § No season passes will be available for purchase this year.

§ Swim sessions will last 2 hours with a 30-minute closure for cleaning and sanitizing in between each session.

§ Current guests must depart after each session; however, they may re-enter for the next session via a stamped hand if occupancy allows.

§ Guests will only have to pay one admission per day.

§ Pools will only be available to Richardson residents and their guests.

§ Patrons must bring their own deck furniture as none will be available.

§ Private pool party reservations will be limited to 50% capacity.


o Heights Family Aquatic Center will remain closed.

o COR swim team and private swim lessons have been cancelled.

o Effective June 8, the lobby, ticket office, and art gallery of the Eisemann Center are open to the public with administrative offices opening to the public on June 15. § Decisions to hold events at the Eisemann will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


o The Senior Center will remain closed for an undetermined amount of time.

o The lobby of the Municipal Court is now open; trials are being done virtually.

o The Animal Shelter is operating by appointment only.


o The Tennis Center, Sherrill Park, Gymnastics Center, Bush Central Dog Park, and the Ann Eisemann Inclusive Playground are now open.

o Summer camps and athletic programs will be available to the public this summer.


• There are a number of ways that Richardson residents impacted by COVID-19 may obtain assistance all of which can be found at o Collin County residents can apply for monetary assistance related to housing and can find more information about free COVID-19 testing at

o Dallas County residents can apply for monetary assistance related to housing at two different websites: §




• Small businesses in need of financial assistance can apply for the Dallas County Emergency Business Assistance Program at


CITY MANAGER UPDATE – Dan Johnson, City Manager

• The official Family Fourth fireworks display has been cancelled; however, there are a number of upcoming events intended to celebrate the Fourth of July at home (an informational flyer about these celebrations is included): o June 15th – Family 4th Celebration at Home virtual launch

o June 22nd – 28th: Family 4th Celebration Bucket on sale

o June 29th – Family 4th at Home Virtual 5K and Family Fun Run launch (co-hosted by Corporate Challenge)

o June 30th – Family 4th Online cooking demonstration

o July 1st – Patriotic scavenger hunt

o July 2nd – Story Time with Lady Liberty

o July 3rd/4th – Spotify playlist of patriotic music posted on social media

o Week of July 6th – Release of Family 4th video of montage with community photos and past Family 4th celebrations


• Gary Thomas, CEO of DART, addressed the Council to present future plans and address the impacts of COVID-19 on planning. Highlights of his presentation include: o The utility relocation and old track removal along the Silver Line’s route began in November.


o Design work on the Silver Line is almost 60% complete with modifications being made at Coit Road and Hillcrest Road.

o The target date for Silver line completion is 2022.

o DART is following strict safety protocol and is cleaning trains every 60-90 minutes and reducing capacity to limit the spread of COVID-19.


• Richardson recently had its first positive case of West Nile. Please remind your neighbors to follow The Four D’s of Protection and additional tips: o 1. DRAIN standing water.

o 2. Use insect repellent containing DEET.

o 3. Avoid being outdoors from DUSK to DAWN.

o 4. DRESS to project yourself with long sleeves and pants.

o Don’t over-water a lawn; overwatering could cause pockets of stagnant water.

o Don’t allow water to collect in things like flowerpots, buckets, etc.

o Fill in hollow trees with sand or mortar.

o Keep your gutters clean to allow proper drainage of rainwater.


• The Parks Trail System continues to grow with several extensions and connections currently underway: o 1.5 miles of 10’ concrete is scheduled to be completed in October of 2020 for the Duck Creek Trail Extension.

o Breckinridge Park Trail will have 1.2 miles of 10’ concrete hike and bike trails along with a new trailhead and drinking fountain, bench, and picnic table to be completed in August of 2020.

o Spring Creek Nature area is entering Phase II of trail development with internal concrete hike and bike trails to be completed by January of 2021.