"Nature is painting for us, day after day" -Ruskin π
Richardson, Texas | October 2021 | Vol. 6 No. 49
Congratulations to 518 Park Lane!!
We are excited to announce the winner of October Yard of the month is the Bissell family! They have already changed out their flowers and are ready for fall! Stroll by and check out their great yard!
Wow, what an incredible turnout for our National Night Out and Annual Membership Meeting! A huge thank you to each and everyone one of you that came out to support our neighborhood! We had a fun time and enjoyed the free food, A huge thank you to Mareta and Jason's Deli for helping us secure that great meal!
Keep those awesome decorations coming we love seeing all the festive yards! A special Best decorated yard will be awarded for Halloween!
Also, we decided to move a movie in the park night from October to November or December so be on the lookout for that activity.
Lastly, your last chance to get a sign topper for your street is coming up. LAST DEADLINE for ROUND 1 is November 18th, 2021.
We are still interested in a board member or teams (you and a friend) for the following positions:
Secretary-Just takes the minutes of each meeting Communications Director/ Team- Ideally would work with a team to do the newsletter & Social Media Block Captain Director/ Team- Would help facilitate information to everyone who signed up to be a block captain. (SNEAK PREVIEW we will have a physical newsletter THIS Spring!)
If you would be interested in joining our board please click the button below!
Thank you for all your support, Clinton Ball
President HTNA
November 18th is the last chance to purchase a street sign topper for your street! If you and a neighbor want to split the cost for a corner you can each pay $60 instead of the entire amount. Whatever you would like to do you can give big or small to help beautify our neighborhood.
If you have any questions you can always email us we are always here. For more information, you can click the link below:
There is an organization called First Richardson Helpers which does handyman jobs for seniors in Richardson. They've been around for over 10 years, and are sponsored by First United Methodist Church. They do not charge clients for the work, except they ask clients to pay for materials if they can. Many clients make a donation, and that provides money to cover clients who cannot pay for materials. Jobs can be as simple as changing light bulbs or AC filters, to more complicated things like repairing sheetrock, etc. One of the very common tasks such as installing grab bars in bathrooms. We need more volunteers to do handyman jobs. Let me be clear. This is volunteer work, not for pay. We always send 2 volunteers for each job, so new volunteers can learn from the experienced workers. You can specify how much you want to work each week. The website is www.firstrichardsonhelpers.org. If you are willing and able to be a volunteer handyman, contact them as described on the web page "How Can You Help?".
You can click the picture to take you to their website. These ads were purchased by these companies and HTNA does not endorse any of these parties.
Got Ads? Hey members let us know if you would like to place an Ad in future newsletters!
Only $5! Perfect to advertise your "side hustle" or Etsy shop!
Email us: webmaster@htna.org
If you'd like to become a member or join the association you can visit us at this link:
If you have any questions regarding membership or dues, please contact Lauren at membership@htna.org
HTNA Board wanted to share this information with our neighborhood and community. Please reach out to us via our website: www.htna.org/contact if you need any help during this time we are here for you.