Another Year Begins 📅

Richardson, Texas | January 2022 | Vol. 7 No. 52
(Click the images above to enlarge.) 
If you missed it we are excited to announce our 2021 Christmas Decoration winner of 619 LaSalle! Justin and Carly had this to say: 
"Justin and Carly moved into the neighborhood in 2019 and live with our 4 dogs. We're super excited that our house was selected for this award. We enjoy decorating as much as possible for the holidays and can't wait for next year."
Bruce Miller
Happy New Year Highland Terrace! 

Thank you to everyone that sent in and submitted pictures and nominations for our social media page over the Christmas season! We were excited to showcase those homes! 

If you do not follow us on social media yet you can by going here to Instagram.

It is the year 2022 and we will be excited to be updating our calendar for the year and be putting those on our website soon along with information sent out in these newsletters.  We are excited to start the new year and hope to see our sign toppers starting to go up around the neighborhood!  We will continue to keep you updated on that progress I know everyone is excited about this! 

Thank you for all your support, 
Clinton Ball
President HTNA

We could really use a secretary before the start of the new year.  Email me below if you are great at typing and organized. 
Secretary-Just takes the minutes of each meeting

If you would be interested in joining our board, please click the button below! 
(Click the images above to enlarge.) 
(Click the images below to enlarge.) 
Follow along on Facebook and Instagram for the most current information about our Neighborhood Association! 
You can click the picture to take you to their website.  These ads were purchased by these companies and HTNA does not endorse any of these parties.  
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Only $5! Perfect to advertise your "side hustle" or Etsy shop!
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If you have any questions regarding membership or dues, please contact Lauren at

HTNA Board wanted to share this information with our neighborhood and community.  Please reach out to us via our website: if you need any help during this time we are here for you. 

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